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  • Writer's pictureShivam Srivastav

About Creators Journal Podcasts

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

We live in peculiar times where an abundance of content does not translate to the abundance of inspiration and creativity.

But can originality exist without inspiration and a bit of borrowing?

Done Waiting, Start Creating

Some of you may have read my earlier post during the summer when I was breaking down structures of other podcasts. While that was a start, Creators Journal has been the labor of iterations that go back many months and even years.

As creators we move from one project to another, one job to another, one binge to another and in the breathless pace of our lives, miss out on some of the reasons that got us started on this journey in the first place.

For me that reason is the passion for telling stories and this is the story of how Creators Journal happened. 

It's Still Day 1

The outside world can push you into Day 2 if you won’t or can’t embrace powerful trends quickly. If you fight them, you’re probably fighting the future. Embrace them and you have a tailwind—Jeff Bezos

There are things about Amazon that I  admire and things that I despise.

The above quote and the company's fabled  passion to lookout for its consumers are the two big things that I admire.

Apologies for the case study throwback but I mention it because the same analogy applies to content in India.

We are still  "Day One" when it comes to diversity of content.  While streaming services have led to an explosion of content, the space for "alternate" storytelling hasn't really made a drastic jump.

Barring a few shows and movies in a year, India, which makes the most number of movies in the world, hasn't really seen the fold of storytelling pushed in a way where we are able to explore themes such as science which are subsequently adapted to the mainstream. 

The same applies to interview based shows. Given the “functional digital exhaustion” that most of us live with everyday, new approach to setting narratives and utility of content are key differentiators.

This is why podcasts are the tailwind which creators have been waiting for.  

Being an avid storyteller and after having spent my entire career working in digital media often covering technology, I understand the importance of fresh perspectives in storytelling and the evolution of mediums where they are consumed. 

Creators Journal is a place that exists at the tri-junction of experimental content, new-age storytelling and the mediums that are going to be mainstream tomorrow. 

It’s a genie wish but isn’t that a story worth telling?

Welcome to Creators Journal.

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